Guidance & Counselling
Guidance is usually the general process of guiding someone through counselling or other problem-solving. In contrast, counselling refers specifically to the process of counselling by a professional counsellor based on people’s personal or psychological problems.
The importance of guidance and counselling in various aspects of life such as Education, Life
Coaching, Career and Nursing. “Guidance and Counselling is the process of helping individuals discover and develop their educational, vocational, and psychological potentialities and thereby to achieve an optimal level of personal happiness and social usefulness.” The aim of guidance and counselling is to enhance coping skills, promote decision making, assist behaviour change and improve interpersonal relationships. The aims of guidance and counselling service in schools is to assist the student in fulfilling his / her basic physiological needs, understanding themselves and developing associations with peers, balancing between permissiveness and controls in the school setting, realizing successful achievement, and providing opportunities to gain independence.
PM SHRI KV 1 RCF Hussainpur is conducted a lot of activities under Guidance and counselling such as Psychometric Test, Workshops conducted, seminars and expert talk. Psychometric test conducted for class IX to XII to assess the students that will help to make informed career decisions. It is the highest-rated career assessment platform. The Test is conducted within 45-60 minutes. There is no time constraint for the test except for the skills and abilities section of the test.